Friday, November 30, 2007

Now lurking...

My new favorite website: The Daily Coyote.

Not only are the pictures amazing, but the story and updates are heartwarming.

I still think Truman's the cutest though

Monday, November 26, 2007

So Crafty!

My friend Bebe designs and makes the cutest kids clothing ever! I am sooo not crafty, and can barely sew a button on straight so I really admire her creativity and skills as a seamstress. To check out her stuff click on the links below:

While I was hanging out with Bebe last evening she challenged me to purchase only 'homemade' gifts this year. Watching her work so hard, and realizing there are so many other moms who are doing the same, I decided to take her up on the challenge and support them by shopping on

I know this post sounds like an infomercial, but I really did find a bunch of cute things! Happy Homemade Shopping!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Slumber Party

As you can see, Thanksgiving wore Truman out! We hope your holiday was blessed and that you continue to enjoy a leisurely weekend. (Unless of course you choose to be one of the millions participating in "Black Friday", then good luck!)
p.s. This photo was not a set-up. I was vacuuming the house when I noticed Truman had gathered all of his friends for a little mid-afternoon siesta! So cute!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Gobble, gobble!

My friend, Jenn, sent a few Thanksgiving cartoons that brightened my day. So I thought I would share! I hope everyone has a blessed and safe holiday! We all have so much to be thankful for!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Professor Randy Pausch Last Lecture

Carnegie Mellon University Professor Randy Pausch is dying of pancreatic cancer. With a diagnosis of only a few months to live, he recently gave his last lecture at CMU. In CMU tradition, the professor's last lecture topic is usually based on the hypothetical situation: if you were dying and this was your last lecture, what would you say to your students.

Unfortunately, Randy's situation is not hypothetical. The original lecture can be viewed here on youtube, or you can watch his reprised version that was on Oprah which is linked below. (I enjoyed the Oprah version)

I am inspired at the manner in which Randy chose to address his topic. I encourage you to watch the video in its entirety, but if you do not have 10 minutes to spare try watching from 7 minutes in to the end.

Click here for Randy's lecture video

I want to be a TIGGER! (watch and you'll understand)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Weekend Update - late

Last weekend my best friend and her parents drove up from Sarasota, FL to visit me. It was a wonderful visit and absolutely lifted my spirits. Jenn and I met when we were both part-time waitresses at a little bar and grill in Sarasota. We have become great friends over the past few years and I feel so blessed to have her and her family in my life. Joan and Lou, her mother and father were like my second parents during my time in Sarasota and I miss them all greatly. Here are two of my favorite pictures from the weekend.

Jenn, you have become an incredible mother! Thank you so much for your friendship and unconditional love and support! Joan and Lou, I am eternally grateful for your hard work this weekend! The sight of the mended fence still warms my heart. Lou, I still think the next time the rodeo comes to town you should enter the Lasso contest!
Miss you all!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Listen up

Some of you might remember my previous post questioning how other people hear God in their daily lives. Since that post I have tried to be more sensitive as to the different ways God might be speaking to me. One consistent way I continue to receive messages is through words and music. I find that music strongly influences my mood and feelings. Recognizing that, I have greatly censored the music that I listen to, and often use words to songs that deeply move me as part of prayer. I was randomly downloading some new songs on to my iPod yesterday (Superchick is a new favorite) and stumbled across a new LeAnn Rimes song, "What I Cannot Change".

It brought me to sobbing tears. Below is the video and some of the lyrics.

Father God, help me to let go, forgive, and love what I cannot change, but please continue to change my heart. Amen.


(chorus, LeAnn Rimes, What I Cannot Change)
All the rest is out of my hands
I will learn to let go what I cannot change
I will learn to forgive what I cannot change
I will learn to love what I cannot change
But I will change, yeah I will change
Whatever I, whenever I can

Romans 9:16 It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire of effort, but on God's mercy.

Monday, November 5, 2007


My sister-in-law inspired me to make a list...

1. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday

2. I just started drinking peppermint tea, and I now love it more than coffee.

3. I take my first professional golf lesson tomorrow

4. I am absolutely in love with my dog.

5. I am writing this list to avoid giving the dog a bath

6. Reading is my favorite way to spend an afternoon

7. I HATE being cold. I'd rather sweat than shiver

8. Spaghetti O's is my favorite comfort food

9. I had my tonsils out one year ago

10. I've never had stitches

11. I've only been to the ER once in my life

12. I am a morning person

13. I ate a whole bag of m&m's when I was 12 and got sick

14. I didn't eat m&m's for 5 years

15. I'd rather have sweet than salty foods

16. I cried everyday for 2 months when I moved to Jacksonville.

17. I have Tupac and Celine Dion on my ipod

18. I think I've read all of James Pattersons books

19. Narnia is my favorite movie - ever!

20. Harrison Ford is still my favorite actor despite the fact that he is dating Allie McBeal

21. Canada would not let me across the border when I was 5 and had chicken pox

22. I do not have a favorite color.

23. Peony's are my favorite flower

24. Sushi is my favorite meal to eat out

25. I can't eat fish if I cook it

26. I hate to pump gas and will do almost anything to avoid it

27. I have no idea how much a gallon of milk cost.

28. I would fail miserably on Price is Right

29. I didn't go to the dentist for 14 years

30. I've never regretted moving away from St. Louis

31. My parents are two of my best friends

32. I've owned 4 cars in my life

33. I've wrecked two cars of the 4 cars

34. I've had more than 10 speeding tickets

35. I still speed

36. I've had 2 gerbils, and two dogs as pets.

37. I wear contacts and am blind with out them

38. I am adopted

39. I don't know how to drive a stick shift

40. My brother taught me how to drive (which really explains all the speeding tickets)

41. I used to read the dictionary in the bathroom

42. I'm a horrible speller

43. I hated school

44. I have PCOS

45. I lock myself out of the house often

46. I've never run out of gas

47. I've lived in MO, CA, & FL

48. I'm awful at returning phone calls and emails

49. I just learned how to balance a checkbook

50. I loved summer camp

51. 2nd grade and sophomore year were my favorite in school

52. Truman is sitting in my lap and really needs a bath

53. I never went to prom

54. I speak too often before I think

55. I wish I lived closer to my family

56. I have horrible motion sickness

57. I am allergic to penicillin

58. I have no food allergies

59. I'm only suppose to eat 100g of carbs a day.

60. I always go over 100g

61. I like to see different cities

62. But I don't like the travel part of traveling

63. I like solitude

64. I hate goodbyes

65. I cry often when I pray

66. I drink hot chocolate even in the summer

67. Fiji water is my favorite

68. I can tell the difference between Aquafina, Dasani, and Zepherhills water

69. I prefer red wine to anything else

70. I prefer hockey to football

71. I'm right handed

72. I only just stopped hating my first name (sorry mom)

73. Barbie was my favorite toy

74. All of my Barbie's got 'haircuts'

75. I strongly dislike reality TV

76. and no I'm not smarter than a 5th grader

77. I cannot go #2 away from home.

78. #77 makes it really hard to travel

79. I used to call my nose a pig nose

80. I've always wanted a nose job

81. I'm to scared to get one

82. I did get veneers

83. It was sooo painful

84. I'm so happy I got them

85. I'm happier when I'm tan

86. I prefer massages and pedicures

87. I've never had a facial that felt good

88. I have gray hair

89. I pull out the gray hair

90. I don't think Truman is getting a bath tonight

91. I don't like talking on the phone, but get sad when people don't call

92. My skin breaks out in red when I get nervous

93. I always fall asleep with the TV on

94. I prefer heels to flats

95. I will suffer for fashion

96. I want to go to Italy

97. It takes me a couple tries to swallow a pill

98. I take three big pills every night

99. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird

100. I love how many people I've reconnected with through blogging!

Whew! Now its your turn.