Thursday, May 1, 2008

The garage door is broken again.  Let's hope I do not have to use this negotiation tactic again.

In other news, my current job with the Jacksonville Symphony is keeping me extremely busy.  The Symphony and PGA Tour have teamed up to host an event on May 23rd.  My job is to find funding via corporate sponsors.  Not easy to do when everyone is screaming recession.  Most of my time is spent dialing for dollars on the phone or sending countless emails.  So by the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is be in front of the computer!

But, don't worry. My contract with Symphony is up after the event and I promise promise promise I will post stories and pictures from Cambodia. 

1 comment:

Dan, Kellie & Kiddos said...

So, did Truman help you out on the garage door thing again? :)