Friday, February 27, 2009


"The guy" did end up handling the poop pretty well.  


We're not dating anymore.   As Judy mentioned in the comments, sometimes, when dating we try to make things fit when they don't really.    It didn't.   

In other news I'm heading back to Cambodia for a quick stint March 6th-17th.  (I'd love tips on jetlag if anyone has suggestions)

I'm not returning to work with the same program.   I struggled a bit with the decision to go being that this trip is more geared towards humanitarian efforts rather than evangelical, but ultimately the chance to serve and help in making a documentary that will educate more people on what is going on in Cambodia was one I couldn't pass on.  

I've finally settled in South Florida, rented an apartment and purchased some furniture!

It's still hard to believe that I'm back living here.  

I'll post some pictures of the new place.

For all you Cardinal Fans the spring training stadium is less that 200 yards from my apartment!!  I missed Wednesdays opening game but have tickets to attend Saturdays game.  I'll definitely post some pictures of that!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

blog blocked

i'm blog blocked.  i don't know what to write about.

any suggestions?