Thursday, May 15, 2008


I came across this story while eating lunch today.

I almost vomited. 

Your reaction???


Ryan said...

I've heard of such things before. It would've been hard not to in the two years I worked for a maternal-fetal medicine department. My reaction, literally, was "Hmmm. Another of those." :)

Amanda Sanders said...

My friend's Aunt had this happen. She was in her fifties and had always had this growth on her back. When it was removed in the 1980's they found a fetus and supposedly there was hair also. It completely freaked me out. I have thought about this, and if I have something or someone else in me I hope I never find out.

Lisa said...

I also saw that while eating lunch the other day. I've heard of such things before. But, as I'm a nurse, I just went right on eating, unphased...

Anonymous said...

I have actually known several people to have "things" removed that actually contained remnantes of their twins. Somewhat intriging yet disturbing information to acquire.

Jeanne said...


I can't believe you have all heard of this. I always thought it was like enquirer news.

Thanks for sharing your stories!