Monday, August 18, 2008

Wanted: Motivational Help

I need to add some new tunes to my ipod for my runs up the mountain trials.   What songs get ya'll going?!!!


Andrea said...

I don't even want to admit this and it will probably be of absolutely no help...I love to workout to Eminem (I don't even know if I spelled that correctly). My fave is the one from his movie, which I am happy to say I never watched! Why Eminem? Very momentous...gets me moving! I will go hide under a rock now :(

Pink also gets me in a workout kind of mood...yeah, I'm weird!

Sara said...

Just to name a few:

Avril Lavigne
Barlow Girl
Kelly Clarkson

Amanda Sanders said...

Okay Jeanne, this is what I am walking to right now:

Orgy- Blue Monday

Justin Timberlake- Sexyback

J.T. and Madonna- 4 minutes to save the world

Eminem- Without Me (you're not alone Andrea!)

Offspring- Hit That

Joan Jett-Do you wanna touch

Joan Jett- I love rock and roll

Nelly Furtado- Maneater

Finger 11- paralyzer

And, shamefully, Brittany Spears- I'm a slave for you and GIMME MORE

James E. Miller said...

U2 - Vertigo and Beautiful Day
Coldplay - Clocks

And I just realized you tagged me in a previous post. I'll get right on that...

Liz said...

I agree with Joan Jett and Pink, definitely! if you want to go christian...old Michael W Smith...otherwise anything with a good pace...I love ACDC...although Garnet uses all oldies but goodies for her workouts...i guess it shows our fundemental differences, lol.