One of my favorite things about blogging is the opportunity to keep up with friends and family.
I've learned more about brother and sister-in-law via their blog than I have in weekends spent together. I've shared in tears of joy and heartache with friends thousands of miles away because they blog about it. I've had the chance to make new friends and rekindled lost relationships.
And because of this blog phenomenon, while in St. Louis over Christmas, I had the fabulous opportunity to meet up with these two bloggers....

Andrea, Kellie, and I have known each other for more that 16 (18?) years. We've gone through TABS, summer camps, youth groups, boyfriends, cars, and last but not least, jobs together. I've sang with these girls, prayed with these girls, fought with these girls, and unfortunately lost track of these girls.
I can't speak for them, but when I sat down, and the three of us were together for the first time in many many years, I felt like I was putting something back in my life that was comfortable and familiar.
Even though we are not as close as we once were, I knew I could still look at these two and share my secrets, hear their stories, and be comforted by their presence.
And I knew this, because, while we have all wandered our own paths, had some stumbles and lived different lives, the foundation of our friendship was built on an everlasting Rock.

Kellie and Andrea, I know this post is long over due, but I want you both to know how much I loved catching up with you. I pray for you often. My heart is filled with love and pride at what beautiful women and mothers you have become. I'm saddened at the years lost, but so thankful for the grace and time we now share.
I can't wait to see you again!
I'm so glad you all had a good visit!
Great post, Jeanne. You're right about blogs; they often provide information about people that you wouldn't know even if you spent the weekend together!
Glad you, Kellie and Andrea got to spend time together.
Oh, Jeanne! I now have tears in my Pasta Con Broccoli!
I, too, am grateful for our rekindled friendship and the times we have been able to get together over the past year. My heart aches for the years we lost, but I sometimes find myself wondering if it was for the best. My reasoning behind that statement and the million other thoughts/feelings/emotions I long to express to you you will wait until we have a more private setting in which to share. I'll see you in March!!!!
I still think about how much fun I had that night, and can't wait to get together again - you'll have to let me know when you're going to be in during March so I can come up too! We still have so much more to catch up on and talk about!!!
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