However, I had an incident this morning that I might as well share, and maybe get some opinions on.
Before I get to the said incident, let me preface first:
I have recently begun dating again.
I'm not good at dating.
I mean, I like the social aspect of it. I love the free meals, entertainment, etc. BUT, I hate the post date anxiety. The "Did it go well?" "Did I talk to much?" The dreaded "Is he going to call?" And let's not for get the "What am I going to wear?" stress!
Yet, just before New Year's I got over myself and agreed to go out with someone. And I really enjoyed myself. He was great! The dating was great! I don't think I talked to much and after some "is he going to call?" anxiety - he called!!
After a few more dates, I started to think that maybe it wasn't going to be so bad - this dating thing. Maybe I could do this! He even understood and accepted me as a package deal with Truman!
So here I am starting 2009 with finally letting my guard down a bit, enjoying myself, getting to know this great guy and still getting spend some QT with Truman!
Life's good right?!
Let's fast forward to last night....
"The Guy" wanted to take me out to one of his favorite restaurants. It's down in his town, about an hour south of me. Since its a bit of a drive, I decided to bring Truman to his house to hang out while we go out.
And the evening was great! I'll spare you the details of the date, but by the end of dinner I was really letting go of my anxieties!
About 20 minutes ago my warm fuzzy feelings just all came crashing down.
When I got a text from "The Guy".
Last night. Truman. Pooped. In. His. House.
Three. Times.
Twice. On. The. Nice. Dining. Room. Carpet.
I didn't see it. So it sat there all night until "The Guy" saw it this morning.
I'm mortified. Beyond mortified. "The Guy" is understandably a bit pissed.
I obviously offered to pay to have the carpet cleaned. Replaced even.
My question? Would this be a deal breaker for you if you were "The Guy"? He doesn't own a dog, is meticulously clean and now his carpet has Truman's # 2 on it.
Truman's now incarcerated behind bars for illegal dumping.

Just kidding buddy. I still love you!
If he can't get past the poop, he ain't worth your time! "The Guy" must love the package!
It's just poop!
I agree with Sara -- although I realize that mothers, of necessity, tend to develop a tolerance for poop. I feel for "The Guy", but when he gets over the shock, we'll all get to find out if he's Truman-worthy. (Poor Twooman! Poor Jeanne!)
Oh seriously, I didn't see that one coming! But, if he really is "THE GUY" then just think what a hilarious story this will make in about 10 years!!!
This could be a blessing in disguise. Now is the time to find out if he has a sense of humor. Vital, imo to a great relationship.
BTW, You are awesome. Any man would be LUCKY to have your dog poop on his carpet.
Really, I think this is the moment of truth for you. If he is willing to let a little poop get in the way...if he can't get past the stain on the carpet...if "The Guy" is one of "Those Guys" then he isn't "THE" guy! I, personally, would not let dog poop (or even human poop) get in the way of a possible budding relationship, especially one with someone as special as you!
Truman can come poop on my carpet ANYTIME (Anna has done MUCH worse!!!)
Love ya!
This is the kind of thing someone can get mad about, or laugh about. If he got mad, that probably indicates you should pay to have the carpet cleaned, and then politely break up. (If he'd laughed, you should still offer to pay to have the carpet cleaned.)
Nobody treats every situation with humor, sure...but if he can't even laugh about the situation with a girl he's supposedly trying to impress, how will he react down the road when he doesn't have to impress you anymore?
I'm sorry, but I just got to read this after having the phone call last week....and I could not stop laughing....hehehehehehehehehe. love you.miss you.
I think we spend too much time worrying about whether we fit into some guys life. Don't force things. Sometimes love happens when you least expect it and are not looking for it.
What a jerk!! (Sorry...I am just getting this blog post). The guy seems to be a bit high maintenance and seems like he is already showing his true colors (not so rosy). Miss you!
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