Monday, October 15, 2007

Tricks or Treats?


I have to admit in the past few years I haven't really been into Halloween. Mainly, because I don't have kids and I don't usually enjoy dressing up. However this year, I'm a little more excited. Maybe because its a reason to do something fun, or more likely its because I cannot wait to dress Truman up in the hilarious costume I purchased. (Pictures to come) Since it's been awhile since I celebrated I found a little Halloween quiz to help me get more in the mood.
Let's play!

How much do you enjoy Halloween? I guess I'll let you know. I have really fond memories as a kid. My dad was always awesome about celebrating Halloween!

Do you think Halloween is too commercial these days? Do you miss the traditional costumes? I think all holidays are too commercial. I can't remember the last time I saw a ghost or astronaut. I think some of the homemade creativity has been lost too.

Do you give out candy? If yes, what kind? I plan on it. Most likely whatever is on sale. Any suggestions? I anticipate a lot of kids.

What has been your favorite costume? As a kid or adult? One year as kids Jim & I dressed up as a Pilgrim and an Indian, respectively . If I recall correctly we won a contest at the school parade. As an adult I bought a large green sweatsuit, filled it out and used make-up to give myself a black-eye. (Get it - black eyed pea)

When you were growing up what was the weather like during trick or treating? Did you ever have to wear a heavy coat over your costume? Yes, I remember being devastated about having to put a coat over my Cinderella dress and freezing another year dressed as a pair of dice which included black tights.

What was your favorite candy as a kid to get? The big Reese's peanut butter cups. There was one neighbor blocks away that always gave out full size candy bars. Halloween was not complete with out a visit to her house. Ironically, the lady next to her handed out apples...

Do you think Halloween costumes today are too provocative for kids and teens? YES!!! Again what's wrong with being a ghost or astronaut?

What is the first costume you remember ever wearing? The Indian costume in kindergarten. I know there were some before that. (Mom, any ideas?)

What are your Halloween plans this year since it falls on a Wednesday? My neighbor across the street turns his house into an unbelievable haunted mansion for all the neighborhood kids, so I'm in a pretty high traffic area. I plan on inviting a few people over and hand out candy.

I tag Jim, Sara, Angie, Jesse & Andrea!

What do ghost serve for dessert?

Ice Scream!

Happy Trick-or-Treating everyone!


Ang said...

Fun post. As far as candy to hand out, chocolate is/was always my favorite. Also, never buy something you won't eat yourself. :-)

Sara said...

I always buy candy that I don't like, so I won't eat it!!

My first costume I remember wearing was a cheerleader. That really fits my personality, huh??

James E. Miller said...

I'll post this on my blog next week, a little closer to Halloween.

Thanks for bringing back good Halloween memories! I had forgotten about the pilgrim and Indian!