I will be leaving March 8 returning to the states four weeks later. I will be staying in the capital, Phnom Penh, working with Partners In Progress.
I will explain more tomorrow as I have been on the computer all day working on another project and my hands are cramping up from typing.
For now I ask that you please keep me in your prayers. While I am confident that this is what God is calling me to do, I am anxious to travel to such a foreign culture by myself!
Thanks for those who have sent kind emails of support.
Below is the picture of my digs while I'm staying in Phnom Phen.
I also welcome any travel advice or tips!
VERY cool. I will starting praying for you now! God bless and know that He has prepared the way for you!
So I was about to post and say something like, "Hey, that's weird; did you know that my parents are going there too?"
But after talking with my dad on the phone just now, I see my news is a bit old. :)
hey Ryan! it was funny, when i was speaking to the admin staffer she mentioned another couple named Lundy going over the same time, who I might want to speak to! i laughed out loud!
That is very exciting. I am a little confussed though. Since I really don't know very much about your life right now I don't know if you are going on business, pleasure, or mission? Your house looks very cool. And as for Andrea "guessing" that was the flag, she may have. I was very impressed that she knew that, but when I put my mouse on the flag on your blog down at the bottom of my computer it told me it was the flag of Cambodia. So she may not have "guessed" too much. I am excited to hear more details.
Jeanne-Hey! This is Tiffany (Mangan). Remember me??? Anyway-I lived and worked with PIP in Cambodia off and on for years! Bill and Marie-Claire are like family to me, as is the church in Phnom Penh. You will LOVE it! But favorite work has been my time in Burma, by far, but I've loved being a part of PIP doing teaching, writing their curriculum, medical missions, village teaching and training, etc... Tell Sokha "Hi!" from me if you see her, and give Marie-claire and big hug from me! Blessings on your trip. If you need more advice, email me or call me. I can tell you where to buy the best souvenirs, teaching difficulties, schedule, etc... Tiffany
You know we are excited for you! Did you get your laptop situation worked out??
I never claimed to have "guessed" Angie But thanks for pointing that out.
Jeanne, my prayers are with you now and during your travels.. Be safe and keep in touch!
Keep us updated on your trip! I'm not sure you'll see my mom over there, though, since she'll be occupied as my household help until April 9th. Enjoy your time there.
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