Sorry about that..... but here I am!

I'm not sure where to start or how much to explain! I was barely unpacking my last box in the new apartment, extremely stressed about where my next job was going to come from.... whe
n literally out of nowhere I received a phone call from a fairy godmother, with whom I had previously interviewed with, but was told that she was not looking to hire this year, wanting to know if I was still available?!
The catch?....
I needed to move to North Carolina for the summer, by the following week!
So, let's skip all the dramatic details, and catch up!
I LOVE IT HERE!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot praise God enough for the complete undeserved GRACE and blessings He has given me through this job. I have a BEAUTIFU
L (FREE!!!) home to live in for the summer (in the mountains!!!), a WONDERFUL, THOUGHTFUL employer who has gone out of her way to make me feel welcome and wanted. I was invited to bring Truman, who has been made to feel just as welcom
e as I. And I have the opportunity to market, sell, and WEAR extremely fine jewelry all summer!!!
I am beyond humbled at the way the LORD has taken care of me. There are no words to
express the gratitude, only the comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit can properly express my love for the LORD. I feel so unworthy of how lucky I am, but fall asleep each night knowing that I am tucked in by HIS love. Blessed be the name of the LORD!
Please enjoy the pictures. I sure am :)!
The front yard....
And the backyard....
I am outrageously jealous! Your "new home" is beautiful! Enjoy every moment & CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Ummm...that's, like, really beautiful.
I'm so mad you took that job the week after we left Knoxville - which is just a couple hours from your new home. We'd be visiting quite frequently...
That is amazing! Congratulations!
Are you kidding me? That house is awesome and did you saw FREE for the summer? I hope you love every second you are there. Is this just a summer thing or could it turn into a permenant thing?
Either way congrats and enjoy!! :-)
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