A few weeks ago at church one of the elders gave a talk on the story of the Jesus healing the paralytic. (Luke 5:17-26) Just as my mind started to wander, as my ego assured me that I had heard this story before, the elder took a brief left turn with the lesson and commented on the deep friendship the paralytic must of had with his companions to go to such a length to get to Jesus.
I've never really stopped to think about that before. I've always focused on Jesus displaying his power to forgive sins, thus truly healing the man. To me the paralyzed man and his friends were character actors, additives to the story.
The Elders comment really got me thinking about what about the commitment level of this man's friends?! I'm sure the paralytic must have been a huge burden to his friends. Its not like they had a wheelchair to push. The friends had to carry this man. And what did the paralytic have to offer his friends. He certainly couldn't be there to help his friends with 'buddy projects'. But, these friends were so committed to their friend that not only did they not give up when they couldn't get in, they physically climbed on top of a roof, carrying the cripple, cut a hole in the roof and lowered him down!
Now fast forward to last week...
I was emotionally paralyzed last week. The move, the finality of the marriage, all of it brought me to my knees. I couldn't properly function as adult. The movers showed up at the house and I was frozen. I couldn't stop crying.
And who should appear? My roof cutter friend Amy!
So to Amy I would like to publicly say! THANK YOU! I could not have made it through that day without you. The depth and strength of your friendship has pulled me through these rough waters. Your kind words have soothed my hurting heart, and your humor has lifted my spirits! And I will forever be grateful for your introduction to Bagel Bagel! Amy, I hope one day, if there ever comes a time when you need me to cut a hole in the roof, I can return the favor ;)
I hope that from now on, I will always strive to be a 'roof cutter' friend!