Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Run.

I run for exercise.

But let me clarify.

I don't run because I necessarily enjoy it.

I don't run with a trendy jogging group or at a fancy gym. I don't run for the commercial health benefits.

No. I run for vanity.

I run so that I can eat a big plate of pasta. I run so I can have the french fries once an awhile. I run because I LOVE chocolate. Yes, I run so I can enjoy the glutinous pleasures but still fit into my 'skinny jeans'. I run so I can feel good about myself physically. Running for me, does not have much to do with the inner self, but more the physical self.

But running for me requires endurance.

I endure running so I can reap the benefits of the calories burned. I endure the occasional shin splints so I can eat one more bite of steak. I endure the extra early mornings so I can eat the unneeded appetizer of fried calamari. I endure so I can physically benefit.

But, honestly? I hate running. When I run, I argue, negotiate, bargain and even plead with myself. (I could make a stellar career defending those who didn't want to run just one more block.)

Moral of my running?

I endure, so I can reap physical benefits.

I feel like this is where I'm at in my relationship with God.

I'm enduring. I'm enduring because I know I need to. I'm enduring because I want the comfort that God promises those who are faithful to Him. I'm enduring because I'm learning real faith is a marathon, not a sprint.

To maintain my relationship with Him, I must endure. I can't run to Jesus once an month and expect HIm to fit!

So as I race into this new year I pray for strength and endurance. Not so much for my physical running, but my spiritual. Because that is the marathon that really counts!


Amanda Sanders said...

Jeanne, this is one of the BEST things I have ever read. I am going to save this. Love to you

Dusty Rush said...

Well said Jeanne. I'm right there with you.

James E. Miller said...

Very well written, my sister. And excellent points.

Judy C said...

Wow... I mean wow!. You are a gifted writer.